Program Details
Who can use this benefit?
Backup Care is available to eligible employees working 24 hours or more per week. Versum Union employees are not eligible at this time. During the onboarding process, you will need to provide your employee ID (MUID) to verify your eligibility. Please reach out to HR4You if you need assistance finding your employee ID (MUID).
What’s included in this benefit?
Eligible employees are able to use up to 10 backup care days annually.
- The number of days is per employee, per year—meaning you have 10 backup care days to use whether you are caring for a child, an aging loved one, a pet, or all.
- These days can be used for either a full or partial day of care.
- Employees cannot book more than 3 days consecutively at a time.
- Unused backup care days do not roll over to the next year.
Costs and Coverage
The Company subsidizes the cost of backup care up to a certain amount depending on the type of provider you choose.
- If you use Wellthy network providers, you can be reimbursed up to $175 per day.
- If you use providers from your personal network, such as friends or neighbors, you can be reimbursed up to $125 per day. Please note that family members are not eligible backup care providers.
- If you need to secure backup care for your pet, contact Wellthy to be provided a code for up to $150 for Pet Care through Rover.
When using a backup care day, employees will pay a $15 copay for Wellthy’s Care network or for Pet Care through Rover, and a $30 copay for personal network providers. You are responsible for any costs that go beyond the subsidized amount The Company provides.
Provider Payment
Payment options can be as flexible as you need—Wellthy can handle the payment for you or you can pay a provider directly and get reimbursed.
- Wellthy can book and pay providers directly when backup care is requested with 24 hours notice.
- Wellthy can help source care within 24 hours, but will not pay upfront for these care requests. You will need to pay for this out-of-pocket and submit for reimbursement.
- In order to request a reimbursement after you’ve paid a provider, you will be required to submit proof of payment which includes: who provided the care, the date when care was provided, and the amount paid. Examples of acceptable proof include:
- A receipt provided by a care program
- A screenshot of digital payment (e.g., PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo)
- A photo of a check written out to the care provider
Who can this benefit be used for?
Backup care can be used for your children, adult loved ones, or pets.
Getting Started
Activate your Wellthy Account
- Visit to activate your Wellthy account. You can sign up with your work or personal email address and create a password of your choice.
- Verify your eligibility for Wellthy by confirming your employee ID (MUID).
Tips for signing up
Have your employee ID (MUID) on hand. If you think you’ll use this benefit at some point, register in advance to save time when you actually need care. Get ahead of emergencies and proactively:
- Search Wellthy’s Care Network for providers in your area, or
- Ask a Backup Care Specialist to search for you, or
- Add your personal network in the system to have on speed dial
How do I get in touch with Wellthy?
The Wellthy team is ready to support you!
- Our digital platform is available 24 hours, 7 days/week
- For Backup Care requests, Backup Care Specialists are available Monday-Friday from 5am-1am ET and Saturday & Sunday from 5pm-1am ET
For technical support, our Member Support team is available Monday-Friday 8am-10pm ET via phone (877) 588 3917 or via email (
Dependent Verification
Why do I need to submit dependent eligibility information?
What do I need to submit to verify my dependent status, and how?
Can I book care without dependent verification?
Wellthy Care Network and Providers
What kinds of providers will I find in Wellthy’s Care Network?
- In-Center Care: Safe and vetted childcare centers
- Community-Based Programs: Trusted programs located in your neighborhood
- In-Home Providers: Professional caregivers who come to your home
Will I have options, or will I have to use a certain provider?
You will never be required to use a particular provider for Backup Care. Wellthy has created a Care Network of different types of vetted options for you to choose from and our Backup Care Specialists are here to help you find the best-fit provider with availability. You can also use your family, friends or even neighbors (who are not your regular caregivers) for Backup Care. Please note that proof of payment and documentation that care took place will be required in order to receive coverage.
How do I know that the providers in Wellthy’s Care Network are high-quality, safe, and reliable?
Wellthy’s Care Network of backup care options are vetted providers that go through a rigorous screening process.
- In-Center Care: Wellthy verifies state and federal licensing, considers online reviews across multiple platforms and calls providers to confirm best fit.
- Community-Based Programs: Similar to the above, Wellthy assesses online reviews, contacts providers to ensure good fit, and checks licensing where applicable.
- In-Home Providers: Thorough review of past experience and comprehensive background checks (criminal, sex offender, SSN trace, global watchlist).
Please note: Wellthy does not directly employ or oversee any provider in the Care Network or within an individual’s personal network. Wellthy does not take responsibility for the final selection, whether they are sourced by Wellthy, the family, or through other means.
If employees use a caregiver or center from their personal network, they are fully responsible for all vetting and verifying.
Costs and Payments
How much is Backup Care?
The Company subsidizes the cost of backup care up to a certain amount depending on the type of provider you choose.
- If you use Wellthy network providers, you can be reimbursed up to $175 per day.
- If you use providers from your personal network, such as friends or neighbors, you can be reimbursed up to $125 per day. Please note that family members are not eligible backup care providers.
- If you need to secure backup care for your pet, contact Wellthy to be provided a code for up to $150 for Pet Care through Rover.
When using a backup care day, employees will pay a $15 copay for Wellthy’s Care network or for Pet Care through Rover, and a $30 copay for personal network providers. You are responsible for any costs that go beyond the subsidized amount The Company provides.
What am I responsible for?
When using a backup care day, employees will pay a $15 copay for Wellthy’s Care network or for Pet Care through Rover, and a $30 copay for personal network providers. You are responsible for any costs that go beyond the subsidized amount The Company provides. You can use a personal credit, debit card or paycard for those costs.
If you would like to use funds from a Dependent FSA account, you can pay for the copay and cost of care out-of-pocket, then submit for a reimbursement with Wellthy and submit a claim with your Dependent FSA provider.
How does the care get paid for?
Wellthy can pay providers directly when they source and book care on your behalf (Please note, in order for Wellthy to pay a provider directly, care must be reserved more than 24 hours in advance from when the time of care starts.) However, if you pay the provider directly, you can request a reimbursement, and submit appropriate evidence to receive reimbursement.
Here are a few examples of the various scenarios:
- Wellthy reserves an in-home provider within Wellthy's Care Network for 9 hours, $25/hour
- Wellthy will pay the provider $225 for the full day.
- You will be charged $15 for the copay, $50 for the overage, and 1 Backup Care day.
- Wellthy reserves care at a community childcare center within Wellthy's Care Network for the full day at $250/day
- Wellthy will pay the community childcare center $250 for the full day.
- You will be charged $15 for the copay, $75 for overage, and 1 Backup Care day.
- Wellthy books 3 days of adult in-home care within Wellthy's Care Network for $300/day
- Wellthy will pay the provider $900 total.
- You will be charged $45 for the copay, $375 for overage, and 3 Backup Care days.
- You secure your neighbor within your personal network for 5 hours, $20/hour
- You pay your neighbor $100, save proof of payment for reimbursement.
- You will be charged $30 for the copay and 1 Backup Care day.
- You submit proof of payment and complete a reimbursement form for approval which includes: who provided the care, the date when care was provided, and the amount paid. Examples of acceptable proof include:
- A receipt provided by a care program
- A screenshot of digital payment (e.g., PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo)
- A photo of a check written out to the care provider
Can I schedule Backup Care on my own and get reimbursed?
Yes, you can reserve the care on your own, pay the provider, collect a receipt for the payment, and request a reimbursement on the Wellthy platform by completing a reimbursement form which includes: who provided the care, the date when care was provided, and the amount paid. Examples of acceptable proof include:
- A receipt provided by a care program
- A screenshot of digital payment (e.g., PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo)
- A photo of a check written out to the care provider
How long will it take to get my reimbursement?
Once the appropriate documentation is submitted, a Backup Care Specialist will review within 1 business day, and the funds will be reimbursed within 5-7 business days.
How long do I have to submit for reimbursement?
You have 30 days from the date you received backup care to claim and submit your reimbursement request. Please make sure to allow enough time for your request to be reviewed, approved, and processed before the deadline.
Backup Care Allowance
What if I use up all of my Backup Care days for the year and I need more?
Once you’ve used your allotted Backup Care days for the year, you can continue to use Wellthy’s Care Network to search for and book care on your own. While you will be responsible for covering the total cost of care out-of-pocket, Wellthy’s Backup Care Specialists will remain available to support you with finding and coordinating care.
If I have Backup Care days left over at the end of the year, can I roll them over to the next year?
No, you cannot roll over any unused days. You can only use the number of Backup Care your employer provides.
What if my spouse/partner and I work for the same company?
You and your partner are both eligible for your individual allowance. Each employee would need to set up their profile within the Wellthy platform
How can I use my days across multiple loved ones?
Employee with one eligible dependent and one aging adult
- Care for their dependent child = one backup care day
- Care for their aging loved one = one backup care day
- Care for their dependent child and aging loved one on same day with the same provider = one backup care day
- Care for the dependent child and aging loved one on the same day with different providers (eg. daycare and in-home aide) = two backup care days
Employee has two eligible dependent children
- In-home care for two children with one caregiver = one backup care day (in-home providers charge by the hour, not per child)
- In-center care at the same care facility for both children = two backup care days (care facilities charges per child)
- In-center care for two children at two different centers = two backup care days
- Care only for one child = counted as one backup care day
Cancellation Policy
Note: Cancellation policies vary per provider. Wellthy will provide clear expectations around each of the providers cancellation policies when booking care so you know in advance.
If you need to cancel care more than 24 hours before the scheduled care start time
As long as the cancellation occurs within the provider’s cancellation policy, you can ask your Backup Care Specialist to cancel or contact the provider directly to cancel.
- You will not be charged a Backup Care day use.
- You will be refunded for your copay if already charged.
- In some cases, providers may request payment in advance of care to hold the spot. Wellthy will provide clear expectations around each of the providers cancellation policies when booking care so you know in advance.
- Backup Care Specialists will request a refund from the provider; however it is not guaranteed.
If you need to cancel care less than 24 hours before the scheduled care start time
You can ask your Backup Care Specialist to cancel or contact the provider directly to cancel.
- You will be charged a Backup Care day use.
- You will be charged your copay and you will not be eligible to receive a refund.
- In some cases, providers may request payment in advance of care to hold the spot. Wellthy will provide clear expectations around each of the providers cancellation policies when booking care so you know in advance.
What if the provider cancels my confirmed reservation?
Your Backup Care Specialist will make every effort to secure care for you promptly. In these situations, we encourage you to leverage your own personal network for added support.
If care was not secured after the cancellation:
- You will not be charged a Backup Care day use.
- You will not be charged your copay.
- All payments will be refunded back according to the type of payment made.
Can Wellthy’s Backup Care Specialists find and schedule backup care for me?
Yes! Backup Care Specialists are here to help you find and secure care when you need care. They can also proactively help you build a list of potential options for when the time comes — this is called building your Backup Care Circle. Backup Care Specialists are available Monday - Friday from 5am to 1am ET and Saturdays and Sundays from 5pm to 1am ET.
What’s a Backup Care Circle?
A Backup Care Circle is like a ‘speed dial’ of your family, friends, preferred and vetted providers. It’s a great planning tool you can turn to when you have to schedule an urgent or planned backup care need.
How do I build a Backup Care Circle?
On your dashboard, click “Build your Backup Care Circle”. There you will be given options to add your own providers (family, friend, neighbor, babysitter, etc) or choose from the Wellthy’s Care Network.
What happens if I don’t have a Backup Care Circle when I need to schedule care?
You can either explore Wellthy’s Care Network by clicking, “Find Providers” button and schedule care on your own or enlist the help of a Backup Care Specialist by clicking the “Schedule Care” button, answer a few questions and schedule care on your own or connect with a Backup Care Specialist and they will help you find safe and reliable providers in your area.
Can I provide feedback about my care experience using Wellthy’s Backup Care?
Once the care event is completed, connect with your Backup Care Specialist for any immediate feedback you would like to share. You will also receive a Wellthy survey by email.
Is backup care only for when I am at work?
Yes, backup care helps you cover unexpected gaps in your regular care, allowing you to come to work without needing to use your sick leave or vacation time.
Can I utilize backup care for my loved one who has different abilities (eg. neurodivergent, physical limitations, etc)?
Yes, Wellthy can help locate appropriate options for your loved one with diverse needs.
If my child is sick, can I use Backup Care?
Yes, you can use backup care when your child is sick, but there are a few things to keep in mind:
- Most group care settings, like daycare centers, programs, camps, and clinics, won’t accept children who are minorly ill or have an injury (eg. fever above 100°F, a mild cold, cough, sniffles, or a minor injury)
- In-Home care can be a great option as long as the caregiver understands your child is mildly ill and is comfortable with their condition.
In these moments, family, friends, and neighbors in your personal network are also great options. We encourage families to tap into your personal network and proactively build their Backup Care Circle when possible. Don’t forget, Backup Care Specialists are here to help you build a reliable backup care plan for your family!